CloudFormation vs Terraform vs Ansible

November 22, 2021

CloudFormation vs Terraform vs Ansible: A Comparison

Are you struggling to decide which tool to use for your DevOps deployment? Look no further! In this blog post, we will compare CloudFormation, Terraform, and Ansible to help you make the right choice.


Let's start with CloudFormation - a service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to define and deploy AWS infrastructure as code. CloudFormation uses YAML or JSON to define resources, and it automatically provisions and configures resources in a consistent, repeatable fashion.


  • Great for AWS infrastructure - it's an AWS service!
  • Ability to use AWS specific features
  • Integrates well with other AWS services


  • Limited to AWS resources only
  • Some learning curve when dealing with the AWS-specific syntax
  • YAML can become verbose


Terraform is an open-source tool created by HashiCorp that can manage infrastructure across multiple cloud providers, including AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure. It allows you to define your entire infrastructure as code and creates an execution plan to orchestrate the deployment.


  • Multi-cloud support
  • Very extensive provider support
  • Large community support
  • Great documentation


  • No built-in support for secrets management
  • Not recommended for configuration management


Lastly, we have Ansible - an automation tool that combines configuration management, application deployment, and task automation. It is agentless and does not require any particular software to be installed on the nodes it manages.


  • Simple YAML-based syntax
  • Low learning curve
  • Modular design
  • Easy to extend with custom modules


  • Performance may suffer when managing large infrastructure
  • Limited interface with APIs, generally not good for cloud infrastructure


All three tools have their pros and cons, and choosing the right one comes down to your specific use-case. If you are working entirely in AWS, CloudFormation is a great choice. If you are working across multiple clouds or with other platforms, Terraform is the way to go. And if you need a simple automation tool, Ansible will be your friend.

So, identify your specific needs and choose the tool that fits the bill. With any of these tools you choose, you can develop an efficient and robust infrastructure-as-code system that will make your DevOps process seamless.


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